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Buzz Aldrin confirms encounter with alien life

Apollo 11 astronaut 'passes lie detector test after recalling encounter with alien life' during historic 1969 mission to the moon.

09 Apr 2018 6:26 PM

Aliens could soon make contact, claims conspiracy theorist

‘Graham’ claims that the NASA live stream from ISIS has spotted 7 'UFOs' near Earth.

04 Apr 2018 12:37 PM

Confirmation of alien life may be available by end of the century says space expert

Tarter has spent a lifetime researching on extraterrestrial life and has been named among Time’s 100 most influential people for her work.

28 Mar 2018 1:29 PM

6-inch mummy thought to be that of alien actually belongs to a child with dwarfism

There has been a lot of speculation around the mummy as many saw it as evidence of alien life.

23 Mar 2018 4:37 PM

Researcher claims he can expose NASA's cover up about aliens on Mars

Barry DiGregorio says that the discovery may have been ignored because of the agency’s plans for a manned mission to explore Mars.

06 Mar 2018 2:26 PM


Humans will be happy if aliens come to Earth, finds study

Research shows that people are far more positive in their thoughts about meeting extraterrestrials than previously thought.

17 Feb 2018 10:40 AM

Russian claims he was a Martian before being born on Earth

Boriska Kipriyanovich has confounded experts with his knowledge of outer space for nearly 20 years.

07 Nov 2017 9:24 AM

Researchers reveal map of Mars landing site for NASA’s 2020 rover

NASA hopes its mission will reveal whether alien life ever existed on Mars.

25 Apr 2017 1:13 PM