Sunday, Jun 02, 2024 | Last Update : 05:58 PM IST


Study suggests ear ache might be a sign of rare cancer

The spot may appear like a pink lump, with hard scaly surface. They often bleed easily.

24 Dec 2017 2:00 PM

Whisky sold for $10,000 a shot at Swiss bar turns out to be fake

Macallan whisky purportedly made in 1878 that a Chinese man paid $10,000 for at a Swiss hotel was actually distilled between 1970 and 1972.

03 Nov 2017 11:05 AM

Meet the boy who looks like an old man

Shreyash Barmate, who suffers from progeria, refuses to be held back by condition and even drives a car.

07 Sep 2017 10:25 AM

Meet woman who wants constant sex due to rare condition

Amanda McLaughlin suffers from persistent genital arousal disorder which leaves her constantly sexually aroused and often in pain.

14 Aug 2017 4:04 PM