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us defense secretary

Fight against terrorism: US plans to find common grounds with Pak

US Defense Secretary Mattis says he wants to work with Pakistan; listening to one another without being combative, to address the problems.

04 Dec 2017 1:02 PM

6 rockets land near Kabul airport after Mattis arrives in Afghanistan

The attack came hours after Mattis arrived in the Afghan capital, the first member of Donald Trump's cabinet to visit the war-torn country.

27 Sep 2017 2:21 PM

Respect to India for maintaining stable security in Indian Ocean: US Defence Secy

Mattis said one of the top priorities is to empower countries in the region to make them strongly contribute to their own peace, stability.

04 Jun 2017 8:54 PM

US Defense Secretary says civilian deaths 'fact of life' in war on ISIS

A US-led international coalition has been carrying out air strikes against the IS group in Iraq and Syria since 2014.

29 May 2017 8:13 AM

Potential US defence secretary Mattis: a 'Mad Dog' with a big library

Trump tweeted Sunday that the retired commander was 'very impressive' when they met Saturday – 'a true general's general'.

21 Nov 2016 9:37 AM