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Paris Jackson rants on Instagram

Published : Jun 24, 2017, 12:15 am IST
Updated : Jun 24, 2017, 12:15 am IST

The actress said that she’s fighting for human rights, animal rights and for the environment, but it will never be enough.

Paris Jackson
 Paris Jackson

Michael Jackson’s 19-year-old daughter Paris Jackson slammed people for judging her in a video on Instagram that she later deleted.

“A lot of s*** is said about me and people I know and people I’m related to,” Paris said, and added, “I get it, you all don’t like the tattoos, you all don’t like profanity, you all don’t like my free spirit, my outspokenness. I am a young chick and I should be quiet. I am a teenager. I am doing the best I can, I’m working as hard as I possibly can to make a living for myself and create my own life.”

The actress said that she’s fighting for human rights, animal rights and for the environment, but it will never be enough. “I could adopt ton of kids like Angelina Jolie and you all will still be creating rumours about me like you do with her. I don’t really know why people hate me with such a fiery passion, and I can’t figure it out. I don’t think it’s jealousy; I think it’s more than that,” she said, reported

Tags: michael jackson, paris jackson