Sickening to find violence is cool nowadays: Renuka Shahane on Pradyuman murder
The actor said, 'It's time 'International Schools' wake up and start actually educating their pupils.'

Mumbai: The Ryan International murder probe got a new twist on Wednesday when the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) revealed it has arrested a Class 11 student of the same school for the murder of 7-year-old Pradyuman Thakur.
According to the investigation agency, the 16-year-old boy wanted to defer an exam on the day of the murder and postpone a parent-teacher meeting (PTM).
CBI also said that they have found no evidence against the previously arrested bus conductor Ashok Kumar, who, Gurgaon police had claimed, committed the murder while trying to sexually assault the child.
Actor Renuka Shahane put the shock of the entire country to words when she wrote,
I'm sure all of you must have heard who the real culprit is in the Pradyuman murder case. The CBI has taken into custody an 11th grader who allegedly thought nothing of slitting the throat of an innocent 7 year old school boy just so that the school will have to declare a holiday, exams won't be held and ptm won't follow soon after. It sickens me how violence is considered cool these days and in the run for grades we've left humanity far behind. The rich parents, the management of the school and the Gurugram police who did such a shoddy job, didn't mind making a scapegoat of an innocent man whose only crime was his poverty. It's time "International Schools" wake up and start actually educating their pupils. And somewhere I hope somebody is teaching the rich that not everything can be bought with money; definitely not good values & definitely not a good education. There are no short cuts in life and no expressway has milestones! RIP (Rest in Peace) Pradyuman.