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  India   All India  19 Mar 2018  Need another sacrifice for Ram temple, says Vinay Katiyar

Need another sacrifice for Ram temple, says Vinay Katiyar

Published : Mar 19, 2018, 1:36 am IST
Updated : Mar 19, 2018, 1:36 am IST

Katiyar said that Hindus must be prepared for an agitation that will demand sacrifices from them.

Vinay Katiyar (Photo: PTI)
 Vinay Katiyar (Photo: PTI)

Lucknow: BJP MP Vinay Katiyar has created a fresh controversy by saying that the Ram temple movement needs another sacrifice from the Hindu community.

Talking to reporters in Faizabad on Sunday, Mr Katiyar said, “Another revolution like the one in which several people were killed in 1990 during police firing and in 1992 when the mosque was demolished, is needed. The Hindu community should be ready for this sacrifice.”  

Mr Katiyar said that Hindus must be prepared for an agitation that will demand sacrifices from them.

The BJP leader who is known to be a firebrand Hindu leader also, mou-nted a veiled attack on his own government and said, “There may be any government in the state but the Ram Janambhoomi issue will have to be revived by the people who have to prepare for sacrifices. The government cannot do this.”

He said that till now thousands of people had sacrificed their lives for the Ram temple movem-ent. “These include th-ose killed in police firing ordered by the Mulayam Singh government in 1990 and other related incidents,” he stated.

Mahant Kanhaiyadas, head of the Sant Samiti,  said that it had taken ab-out three hours to dem-olish the Babri mosq-ue and it would take about 10-12 hours to build the new Ram temple.

Tags: vinay katiyar, ram temple, ram janambhoomi