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  Life   More Features  12 Jul 2017  Experts warn against alarming trend of putting glitter in vagina

Experts warn against alarming trend of putting glitter in vagina

Published : Jul 12, 2017, 3:34 pm IST
Updated : Jul 12, 2017, 3:34 pm IST

The capsules are marketed as products to make the vagina look and taste the way it's "supposed to".

The so called passion dust can take the passion away from your sex life (Photo: Pixabay)
 The so called passion dust can take the passion away from your sex life (Photo: Pixabay)

Bizarre make up trends and weird things people do to their genitals and other body parts have been in news for quite some time, and most recently applying makeup on the penis and putting wasp nests in vaginas to tighten them shocked the internet, as experts tried discouraging people from doing so.

Now a new trend seems to be spreading among women as many of them have been reportedly putting glitter in their vagina. The glitter filled capsules that women insert in the vagina are meant to look and taste better and are called passion dust intimacy capsules.

Apart from the serious body image issues posed by it being marketed as a product that makes vaginas look and taste how they are “supposed to”, the trend has also raised eyebrows among medical experts who are warning women against side effects associated with glitter.

Gynaecologists say that the vagina is protected by a balance of good bacteria which is disturbed when artificial products are applied inside the vagina. This may lead to infections like vaginosis or inflammation.

The glitter can make sex a painful experience due to inflamed discharged and scratches on the vagina, which means that using passion dust can actually take passion away from your sex life.

Tags: glitter, private parts, relationship