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  Life   More Features  21 Nov 2016  Obama meets boy who offered home for refugees

Obama meets boy who offered home for refugees

Published : Nov 21, 2016, 2:39 pm IST
Updated : Nov 21, 2016, 2:39 pm IST

The 6-year-old said he wanted to keep Syrian child Omran Daqneesh at his house and would consider him as a brother.

The meeting was an heart warming one
 The meeting was an heart warming one

Washington: Ongoing conflicts across the world have caused the worst refugee crisis since the second world war which was followed by support as well opposition for giving access to refugees to Europe and the US, and the issue also managed to start a heated political debate.

As the situation worsens, children seem to be the worst affected as has been seen in disturbing images of a drowned Syrian child Alan Kurdi and Omran Daqneesh who was seen traumatised in an ambulance after being rescued. Omran’s pictured had resulted in a boy from New York City writing to US President Barrack Obama, offering refugees a place at their house.

As Barack Obama’s stay at the White House nears an end, he finally met the the child named Alex, whose humane gesture for refugees touched him. He said, “I liked what you wrote so much that I ended up reading it to everybody. You being so nice, and kind, hopefully make other people think the same way. So I was very proud of you.”

The emotional moment when Obama met the child, who said he would consider Omran his brother, was captured in a video shared by White House.

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Tags: barack obama, refugee crisis, omran daqneesh