Scientists explain why people trying to have a baby should have sex twice in a night
They noticed that sperm collected three hours after a man has already ejaculated is more likely to fertilise an egg.

Having a child is important for many couples and people keep trying different ways to conceive. But while medical help and other techniques in bed may aide pregnancy, simpler steps can also work wonders.
Scientists are now recommending having sex twice in one night for people trying to have a baby. The suggestion comes after findings that show how sperm is stronger and faster the second time a man ejaculates.
They came across this discovery when they noticed that sperm collected three hours after a man has already ejaculated is more likely to fertilise an egg. Sperm produced more than 180 minutes of climax has also been known to have a higher success rate in IVF.
These findings shatter the myth that a man may need 24 to 36 hours after ejaculation for replenishing his sperm bank. This comes at a time when infertility affects a large number of people with one in seven British couples having difficulty conceiving.
Sperm produced after a man ejaculates has the highest amount of protein to speed up movement.