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Berlin Page-6

Angela Merkel to miss G20 opening after emergency landing

Merkel will leave for Madrid on Friday and head on a commercial flight for Buenos Aires with a slimmed down delegation.

30 Nov 2018 9:52 AM

German nurse serial killer on trial over 100 deaths

Hoegel, who is already serving a life term, has confessed to dozens of killings.

30 Oct 2018 2:38 PM

Angela Merkel will step down as chancellor at end of term in 2021

Merkel said she wanted to complete her fourth stint as chancellor but stressed that it would be 'her last term'.

29 Oct 2018 6:19 PM

'Don't throw baby out with bath water': Germany to US on INF treaty

Trump said on Saturday that Washington would withdraw from INF Treaty because Russia was violating it, an accusation Moscow denies.

23 Oct 2018 10:46 AM

America’s image has worsened under Trump, shows survey

The survey was conducted between May and August, and based on interviews with over 900 people in each of the surveyed countries.

03 Oct 2018 10:01 AM


Germany's Catholic Church to own up to decades of child sexual abuse

In Germany alone, almost 3,700 minors were abused between 1946 and 2014, according to the report prepared by the German Bishops' Conference.

25 Sep 2018 2:20 PM

Ryanair pilots strike in several European countries, 400 flights cancelled

Strikes were called in Germany, Sweden, Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands.

10 Aug 2018 5:23 PM

3 killed in explosion in Nothern Germany row house

Investigators were still trying to determine cause of explosion, which destroyed most of the home.

28 Jun 2018 1:38 PM

Building blast leaves 25 injured, 4 serious in Germany's Wuppertal

Fire broke out in several different parts of the house and firefighters had trouble because parts of the building kept collapsing.

24 Jun 2018 4:04 PM

Trains collide in Germany, killing 2 and injuring 14

Police said those killed were the driver of the passenger train and a female passenger.

08 May 2018 3:48 PM


German police hunting for 'Nazi grandma' as she skips jail

German police are hunting an 89-year-old grandmother convicted on several occasions for Holocaust denial.

08 May 2018 11:13 AM

Volkswagen’s Skoda shifts some SUV production to Germany

Skoda said it will assign some production of its latest Karoq SUV to a Volkswagen plant in Germany.

02 May 2018 12:49 PM

No Islamist indication in German van rampage, says interior min

A van drove into a group of people in the western Germany, killing 2 bystanders before the driver shot himself.

08 Apr 2018 9:39 AM

Angela Merkel elected as German Chancellor for fourth time

Lawmakers voted 364-315 on Wednesday to re-elect Merkel, who ran unopposed. There were nine abstentions.

14 Mar 2018 2:52 PM

German nurse charged with 97 more murders at 2 hospitals

The new indictment against Niels Hoegel was expected after officials said in Nov that he may have killed more than 100 patients in total.

22 Jan 2018 6:29 PM


Angela Merkel risks leading weak coalition of ‘losers’ for Germany: analysts

Merkel, often called world's most powerful woman, will embark on 4th term with diminished influence and little vision for Europe's future.

13 Jan 2018 4:15 PM

‘Big obstacles’ still in way of Germany coalition deal: Merkel

September's inconclusive elections left Merkel without a majority for a fourth term and struggling to find partners to govern with.

11 Jan 2018 6:01 PM

German paedophile on trial: Accused of raping 6 Indian children, filming it

He is accused of raping six children between 5 and 11 years old in 2015-2016 while working in India.

04 Jan 2018 11:55 AM

59-yr-old paedophile on trial for raping 6 children in India

The 59-year-old man, named as Karl-Heinz N, was convicted in 1996 by a court in Thailand for sexual offences against minors.

04 Jan 2018 7:43 AM

Angela Merkel to meet relatives of victims, one year after Christmas terror attack

An Islamic jihadist ploughed a truck into a Christmas market crowd killing 12 in 2016.

18 Dec 2017 6:13 PM