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  Sports   Cricket  14 Dec 2016  Wahab, Yasir use social media to deny rift

Wahab, Yasir use social media to deny rift

Published : Dec 14, 2016, 6:57 pm IST
Updated : Dec 14, 2016, 8:05 pm IST

Wahab Riaz posted a video on his Instagram account with Yasir Shah.

It was reported that the duo got involved in a scuffle during a practice session in Brisbane, on Wednesday. (Photo: AFP)
 It was reported that the duo got involved in a scuffle during a practice session in Brisbane, on Wednesday. (Photo: AFP)

Brisbane: After a rift between Pakistan’s bowlers Yasir Shah and Wahab Riaz on the eve of the first Test against Australia, the duo dismissed the news on the social media.

According to, some photographers had captured a picture of Yasir and Wahab involved in an argument during a football match ahead of their training session at the Gabba on Wednesday.

Wahab Riaz posted a video on his Instagram account with Yasir Shah which shows there is no rift between the two.

Wahab in the video said, “Yasir and I are very good friends and we are united. Wrong things have been reported in the media. We will play together tomorrow. You all need to pray for us. Thank you.”

Yasir also posted a photo of him and Wahab on twitter.

Yasir and Wahab

Tags: pakistan, australia, yasir shah, wahab riaz