New WhatsApp feature to bring PiP mode for YouTube videos
WhatsApp has been constantly pushing updates to improve the messaging platform over the last few years. Since the beginning of this year, the company has been trying to make it a more user-friendly messenger, appealing to both users and governments across the world. Now, they have another feature planned for the app that will change the way you share videos on WhatsApp.
If the reports from WABetaInfo are to be believed, then WhatsApp is planning to bring the Picture-in-Picture mode for watching YouTube and Instagram videos. The PiP mode was previously added for video calls made via WhatsApp. The feature has been discovered on a recent Whatsapp beta version, which means we could see the feature rollout on a mass scale by the end of this year.
The update will bring the PiP mode for YouTube and Instagram videos. Until now, if someone shared a YouTube or Instagram video on WhatsApp, the link would open the app and play the video. With the new update, the link will now show a play button, which when opened, will play the video in a floating window. The window can be moved around the screen while the user can still chat in the background. If they wish to watch the video in fullscreen, then there’s a button for that as well at the corner of the window.
While the PiP mode works for YouTube and Instagram videos, it won’t work for videos on Instagram Stories. Additionally, the report states that the feature is in a development stage and therefore, could take some time to be rolled out on a mass scale. If you are eager to test the feature as soon as it is made available, you can sign on for the WhatsApp beta programme from Google Play Store. However, do note that beta builds of WhatsApp could have some issues regarding stability, which is why caution is advised before you download the test versions.