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  World   Americas  29 Dec 2016

World, Americas, 29 Dec 2016

Relations between Obama, Netanyahu camps hit rock bottom

While Israel's Arab population has citizenship rights, the roughly 2.5 million Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank do not.

29 Dec 2016 9:08 PM

US mother posts suicide note on Facebook before killing self, son

The post said Shermeyer felt she had been slowly dying inside and that the only thing she had to live for was the boy.

29 Dec 2016 2:36 PM

Woman who called Michelle Obama 'ape in heels' fired from job

Taylor had drawn a comparison between the First Lady and her successor Melania Trump in her post.

29 Dec 2016 2:32 PM

Lie-detecting security kiosks soon to secure airports

The system is currently under test at the Canadian border to check if travellers have any other motive than the one disclosed.

29 Dec 2016 2:13 PM

NYPD to allow Sikh officers to wear turbans, beards

Before, Sikh officers had to fit their turbans under the police cap. Beards were forbidden because they interfered with wearing gas masks.

29 Dec 2016 11:37 AM


New NSG draft rule could pave way for India’s membership, leave Pak out

Present NSG membership rules require a state to sign the nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) before joining the exclusive club.

29 Dec 2016 10:10 AM

US adds LeT's student wing in list of terror organisations

Founded in 2009, AMS is a subsidiary of LeT and has worked with LeT senior leaders to organise recruiting courses and activities for youth.

29 Dec 2016 8:43 AM

Toys trigger bomb scare at Trump’s headquarters

Shoppers and visitors to the United States’ President-elect’s namesake skyscraper described a chaotic scramble.

29 Dec 2016 7:16 AM