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  World   Europe  12 Jun 2017  ‘Brexiteer’ Boris denies coup plot

‘Brexiteer’ Boris denies coup plot

Published : Jun 12, 2017, 2:24 am IST
Updated : Jun 12, 2017, 2:24 am IST

Ministers push for foreign secretary to take over from PM after disastrous poll results.

Britain’s PM Theresa May and her husband Philip leave after attending Holy Communion at St Andrew’s Church in Sonning, Berkshire, England, on Sunday. (Photo: AP)
 Britain’s PM Theresa May and her husband Philip leave after attending Holy Communion at St Andrew’s Church in Sonning, Berkshire, England, on Sunday. (Photo: AP)

London: At least, five UK Cabinet ministers are pushing for Boris Johnson to topple Theresa May as Conservative party leader and Prime Minister, one of his close allies said on Sunday but the foreign secretary denied any plans of a coup.

Pressure has been building up on Ms May to step down after a disastrous election result for the Tories which saw the ruling party’s majority slashed and being forced to cobble together a minority government with the support of Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP).

“A handful of senior people have pledged their loyalty to Boris at Cabinet level,” a Johnson ally told The Sunday Times. “He has been inundated with messages of support... We need a Brexiteer. Boris is the only option with the liberal values, Brexit credentials and popular appeal,” he added.

But Mr Johnson reacted to media speculation on Twitter by dismissing any rebellion, “I am backing Theresa May. Let’s get on with the job.”

Mr Johnson, one of the Conservatives’ most popular politicians, tweeted that an article in the Mail on Sunday newspaper headlined “Boris set to launch bid to be PM as May clings on” was “tripe”. The Conservatives lost their parliamentary majority in Thursday’s election. Ms May called the snap vote in a bid to strengthen her mandate ahead of exit talks with the European Union. Instead, she has left Britain’s government ranks in disarray  days before the divorce negotiations are due to start.

Tags: theresa may, democratic unionist party, brexit
Location: United Kingdom, England, London