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  Opinion   Interview of the Week

Interview of the Week Page-6

‘Kumar and his team were handed over a shoddy investigation’

The high court’s verdict does not say that the Talwars didn’t do it but that there’s not enough evidence against them, says AP Singh.

15 Oct 2017 2:57 AM

‘The economy is at a stage where it needs govt’s handholding’

Borrowing cost of the government will go up and across the board the interest rates will go up in the capital markets,

24 Sep 2017 4:37 AM

‘On Kashmir, go beyond the slogans and rhetoric’

If Article 35A goes, the state-subject law which is in force since 1927 can also get diluted, says Ali Mohammad Sagar.

19 Sep 2017 1:17 AM

‘If we’re irrelevant then why is BJP wasting time commenting on us?’

I have said this earlier too that we were unable to gauge the mood of the people in 2014 and even in 2012, says Milind Deora.

17 Sep 2017 12:36 AM

‘We will get 150 seats in Gujarat’

The Congress and its leaders in the state are disconnected from reality and the people of Gujarat.

11 Sep 2017 1:31 AM


‘Gauri could have been thrashed on social media, why kill her?’

We are optimistic as officers of SIT came to us and assured that they will do their best, says Kavitha Lankesh.

10 Sep 2017 5:24 AM

‘We are building our own strengths & not banking on others’ weaknesses’

Babbar candidly spoke about the issue, his party, its future and also the strategy for bringing the Congress back to the political centrestage.

20 Aug 2017 1:22 AM

‘Kerala BJP plagued by corruption... It’s using violence to divert attention’

If the SP, the BSP and the Congress had united, the BJP would have been left with only 90 seats, says Sitaram Yechury.

13 Aug 2017 3:18 AM

‘Mahagathbandhan collapsed due to Lalu’s ego... don’t blame BJP’

Kumar was always comfortable with the BJP, he was with us for 17 years and that was the best period of his political career, says Modi.

06 Aug 2017 12:54 AM

‘RJD-JD(U) is an alliance of compulsion to stay in power, keep the BJP out’

Rajiv Pratap Rudy speaks with Sanjay Basak and Ashhar Khan on Bihar politics, his image and job.

23 Jul 2017 6:15 AM


‘Is BJP running the nation, or burning it?’

The decision to call for the Army in Darjeeling was taken after considering the ground situation there, says Derek O’Brien.

10 Jul 2017 5:15 AM

‘CII believes that demonetisation and GST are both good for the economy’

Shobana Kamineni believes that GST will add one per cent to the GDP growth in the next couple of years.

09 Jul 2017 5:49 AM

‘Shiv Sena has not being able to accept the BJP as a bigger partner’

We did come under a lot of pressure when Andhra Pradesh and Telangana took steps to waive loans for farmers, says Fadnavis.

02 Jul 2017 1:54 AM

‘Meira Kumar is a formidable candidate for the post of President’

There are almost 300 farmers languishing in the jails of MP, they should be released immediately, says Jyotiraditya Scindia.

25 Jun 2017 1:29 AM

‘Hope NDA has an RSS candidate, then Opposition will unite further’

The RSS-BJP has never come this close to occupying the President’s office, why should they leave this opportunity.

18 Jun 2017 3:15 AM


‘The government should not be insensitive towards farmers’

The farmer is not getting the fair price for his yield, so how does he pay for his expenses?

11 Jun 2017 2:33 AM

‘Elections are held on the basis of performance and we’ve performed’

My government has been proactive and has taken several new initiatives, says Vasundhara Raje.

04 Jun 2017 12:15 AM

‘Things have changed since 26/14... There’s no room for the corrupt’

Everyone knows that presidential election is a number game, says Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi.

28 May 2017 1:02 AM

‘BJP called CBI a caged parrot, but now it has become its long arm’

There is no doubt about it that Narendra Modi has used all institutions and created an environment of sabka saath sabka vikas, says Sibal.

21 May 2017 12:18 AM

‘Army visibility needs to be reduced across Kashmir, except along LoC’

With several books on military strategy and security to his credit, Maj. Gen. Afsir Karim (Retd) is a well-acknowledged expert on Kashmir.

14 May 2017 3:25 AM