
After Ishrat file fiasco, government to go digital

In what appears to be a direct fallout of crucial documents going missing in the politically sensitive Ishrat Jahan encounter case, the government is now contemplating creating a database for each min

In what appears to be a direct fallout of crucial documents going missing in the politically sensitive Ishrat Jahan encounter case, the government is now contemplating creating a database for each ministry and department in which all crucial files and documents will be stored in a digital format.

Sources said all important files will be digitised and scanned before being saved in this database, thus eliminating any possibility of important documents going missing.

The hard copy of the files in the respective ministries will also be preserved for functional purposes, but for the maintenance and proper documentation of records the same will also be saved and stored in a digital format. Sources said that in light of the Ishrat document going missing, discussions have been held at the highest levels of government regarding how to avoid a repeat of such incidents.

“The government is a continuous process irrespective of which party comes to power. However, one cannot take the plea that some crucial documents have mysteriously gone missing. This can severely hamper the government’s functioning and its decision making. We will soon come out with a foolproof mechanism to ensure that no files go missing henceforth,” a senior government functionary said.

The proposed move is also in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of digital India, where within the government also there is greater emphasis on the use of technology and on gradually moving away from the bulky paper work. There is a growing view within the government that at least in key ministries focus should be “more on the use of seamless technology and greater integration” among various departments.

The home ministry had failed to trace the Ishrat files, and even to point out how they went missing.

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