
Hillary Clinton is back in action flashing her fitness card

US presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Wednesday moved to show their medical fitness for the White House as Ms Clinton released a letter from her doctor declaring herself fit f

US presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Wednesday moved to show their medical fitness for the White House as Ms Clinton released a letter from her doctor declaring herself fit for the presidency and Mr Trump taped a TV-segment about his well-being. Ms Clinton returned to the campaign fray.

Ms Clinton, 68, is healthy and fit to serve as President and is currently recovering from non-contagious, bacterial pneumonia, her physician, Dr Lisa Bardack, said in a letter about the Democratic nominee’s medical condition released by the campaign.

Mr Trump, 70, knows he could stand to lose a few pounds but otherwise is in great health, campaign adviser Sarah Huckabee Sanders told MSNBC on Wednesday after the Republican nominee taped an episode of the “Dr Oz Show” in New York that will air on Thursday.

Ms Bardack, in her letter about Ms Clinton, wrote: “She is recovering well with antibiotics and rest. She continues to remain healthy and fit to serve as President of the United States.”

The announcements came as Ms Clinton spent a third day resting at her home in Chappaqua, New York, after falling ill on Sunday morning as she left a September 11 memorial in New York City. A video footage taken by a bystander showed Ms Clinton becoming dizzy as she attempted to get into a waiting vehicle. Though senior aides knew about Clinton’s diagnosis, the delay in public disclosure fueled criticism that she is prone to secrecy.

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