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Afghan Taliban Page-2

Pak needs to see Taliban as a challenge, not an asset

Finding a sound strategy to deal with this conflict should be at the centre of Pakistan’s priorities.

04 Oct 2019 12:04 AM

Stay agile in Kabul

It’s a different matter whether peace can be brought about even if the talks are declared a success.

30 Sep 2019 12:01 AM

Standoff with Taliban & limits of US credibility

Zalmay Khalilzad negotiated with the Taliban over the past one year, and with more focus through the last four months.

12 Sep 2019 12:09 AM

After US exit, Afghanistan to be fertile land for ISIS’ entry

ISIS exploits political gaps and vulnerable environments to entrench itself and rule through fear or a select few power brokers.

30 Aug 2019 12:00 AM

The Taliban are coming! Should we run scared?

A reality check from the past to the present may be necessary to correctly assess this threat.

26 Aug 2019 12:11 AM


Won't derail peace talks with US despite blast in Balochistan: Afghan Taliban

The brother of Taliban chief was among 7 people killed when a powerful bomb ripped through a Balochistan mosque during Friday prayers.

18 Aug 2019 2:01 PM

Why is the US hell-bent on starting a war against Iran?

The Iranian armed forces showed they were no pushovers when Saddam Hussein attacked their country back in 1980.

19 May 2019 4:48 AM

US hostility towards Pak is driven by China rivalry

The recently announced US South Asia Policy is predicated on India’s regional domination.

13 May 2019 12:05 AM

Will economic adversity cost Pakistan a few good friends?

CPEC, which was until recently being projected as a game-changer for the country and the region, has lost its attraction in policy discourse.

08 Apr 2019 12:01 AM

Ironic! Freed Taliban chief leads difficult peace talks

A co-founder of the Afghan Taliban movement, his role is seen as critical to the effort to end the 18-year war.

30 Mar 2019 12:10 AM


How the ‘deadly embrace’ of US has an impact in Pak, Afghan

It is dangerous to get involved in America’s wars where the US is always the commanding force of change, often with a flawed strategy.

16 Mar 2019 12:00 AM

World needs more women as mediators for peace

The countries that have experienced war on a large scale have now grown into major exporters of war weapons.

05 Mar 2019 12:00 AM

Terror, rivalry of key powers are hurdles to Afghan peace

US withdrawal will leave the Taliban as the main organised force in the country.

18 Feb 2019 12:32 AM

Afghan peace needs a proper economic plan

Last year, over 800,000 Afghans were expelled from Iran while some 30,000 returned from Pakistan.

08 Feb 2019 6:45 AM

Afghanistan is not headed towards peace after US exit

There can be no question the Afghan Taliban regime that began consolidating its power in the mid-1990s was atrocious in every sense of the word.

07 Feb 2019 12:17 AM


Afghans need a political settlement as the next step

The Soviet commitment to withdrawal was unequivocal; the American indications are reversible.

05 Feb 2019 2:10 AM

New Delhi ready to join talks with Taliban for Afghan peace

New Delhi is also worried that the Afghan conflict has been caught up in the current tensions between Russia and the United States.

01 Feb 2019 5:48 AM

Insurgents take the upper hand, endgame nears in Afghanistan

America’s desperation to pull out is itself seen as a victory for the Taliban who have gained greater international recognition over the years.

01 Feb 2019 12:24 AM

Can Irish Good Friday pact be a model to resolve other conflicts?

The charged debate — including between those whose politics once accepted the killing of each other as legitimate — was markedly civil.

23 Jan 2019 1:24 AM

Endgame in Afghanistan is evolving very quickly

Pakistan is presumed to enjoy the greatest influence due to its perceived relationship with the ascendant Taliban.

21 Jan 2019 5:38 AM