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Invest in building trust to achieve $5 trillion target

The chief economic adviser and his team have done a splendid job in getting into these foundational underpinnings.

27 Feb 2020 1:47 AM

Trump in India: A diplomatic glass half-full?

The joint statement provides the third coordinate to understand the trajectory of bilateral relations.

27 Feb 2020 1:44 AM

Mystic Mantra: Ash Wednesday: Let’s embark on a spiritual voyage

The Church helps the faithful live the spiritual life, asking us to perform inner conversion by offering especially prepared liturgical worship.

26 Feb 2020 6:43 AM

Sanders stalks Trump tour with Guj bizmen exploring options

The Israeli right’s alliance with Trump and Modi is a subject for Miss Marple’s investigation.

26 Feb 2020 6:38 AM

Whistleblower spurs China push for change

The announcement of the surge in new cases happened as the Hubei provincial and Wuhan municipal party secretaries were shown the door.

26 Feb 2020 6:35 AM


Mystic Mantra: What made the Pandavas win the war?

All through the battle Lord Krishna kept saving Arjun from confrontation with the main warriors till the time their weapons were exhausted.

25 Feb 2020 3:06 AM

Defining extremism is a complex matter, and it comes in many forms

The difficulty of defining extremism does not, however, detract from the importance of doing so.

25 Feb 2020 3:00 AM

‘If divisiveness doesn’t end, it will deter growth’

India moved from being a slowly growing economy to one of the faster growing emerging market economies.

25 Feb 2020 2:55 AM

Mystic Mantra: A prayer is a ‘thank you’ to existence

Therefore, Osho has changed the whole connotation of prayer. He says that prayer is the last stage, the culmination of meditation.

24 Feb 2020 3:27 AM

Lal Masjid: Is Pakistan’s govt beginning to appease terror again?

The mosque’s clerics had attracted around them a core of banned militant organisations including Al Qaeda and Jaish-i-Mohammad.

24 Feb 2020 3:23 AM


India, US can work closely, but there are limits

What might further encourage such Opposition aspirants as Rahul Gandhi and Mamata Banerjee is that the economy is in the doldrums.

24 Feb 2020 3:18 AM

Dilli Ka Babu: ‘Collector’ to be history?

The panel has been tasked with giving recommendations after consulting all stakeholders, including members of the public.

23 Feb 2020 12:31 AM

A ruling that allows protest, teaches the BJP a lesson

The court noted that one of the clauses of the order prevented raising slogans, singing and beating drums.

23 Feb 2020 12:25 AM

Modi stands to gain if Trump returns to power

Donald Trump since becoming President has visited 20 countries of which the majority are in Europe.

23 Feb 2020 12:17 AM

Delhi polls a defeat for BJP’s polarisation

It must also be borne in mind that the BJP did not fight this election as though it was a routine state election.

23 Feb 2020 12:13 AM


Mystic Mantra - Waris Piya: Our collective spiritual consciousness

Before Holi comes, invoking the blessings and significance of such mystics is vital to our collective spiritual consciousness.

22 Feb 2020 3:25 AM

Of hate speech, misfits, weirdoes and ‘thought police’ in Boris’ Britain

The boast of modern democratic societies is that they uphold the principles of freedom of speech.

22 Feb 2020 3:20 AM

Treating Trump better may be good for India; but let’s not forget China

Look no further than enjoying at Ahmedabad a grander version of the Narendra Modi-Donald Trump event in Houston last year in September.

22 Feb 2020 3:18 AM

Trump bhaisaab aayega: Aapun ke vaastey kya?

“The wall” in India is being mocked as aggressively as the other, more notorious wall in America.

22 Feb 2020 3:16 AM

Mystic Mantra: Stress-free living with the help of meditation

We find that people undergo anxiety, fear, depression and phobias.

21 Feb 2020 2:50 AM