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  Age on Sunday   13 Nov 2016  Rocky road ahead for Cyrus Mistry

Rocky road ahead for Cyrus Mistry

Published : Nov 13, 2016, 12:37 am IST
Updated : Nov 13, 2016, 12:38 am IST

The upcoming year will be an eventful one for mistry. He will be haunted by some issues from his past.

Cyrus Mistry
 Cyrus Mistry

Saturn seems set to make the next couple of years in Mistry’s life turbulent and uncertain, filled with legal troubles. Ganesha also predicts that the upcoming period of around three years may prove to be one of the most ‘eventful’ ones in Mistry’s life as Saturn will be transiting in a direct-retrograde-direct motion between Sagittarius and Scorpio, coupled with Rahu’s hostile transit. This is likely to create a lot of problems for Cyrus, making him meet legal eagles more than his family or well-wishers. Ganesha explains why events transpired the way they did, and what lies ahead for Cyrus Mistry.

Date of Birth: July 4, 1968
Time of Birth: Not Known
Place of Birth: Mumbai, Maharashtra

Planetary influences that may have led to Mistry's ouster
Malefic Influence of Rahu

Ganesha notes that the heavyweight malefic Rahu is transiting over Jupiter — Lord of the 10th house of profession as well as the 7th House of partnerships and public image. Jupiter is considered to be the most powerful benefic and Rahu’s transit over such a key planet is acting against Mistry’s interests. As a result, he is not receiving adequate support from the company’s management and its policies.

The Double Separative Influence
3rd house and Jupiter are under a ‘double separative’ influence. One is the transit of Rahu through this house and the other is the aspect of Saturn from a square position, indicating separation. The 6th house also denotes matters related to employment. Saturn’s transit through the 6th house from the Natal Sun and the other three key planets is not helping the situation.

Saturn’s Transit
This transit indicates legal tangles and complications. The 6th house happens to be the house of legal matters, disputes and court cases and Saturn can cause some harm when transiting through the 6th house from the Sun. Ganesha feels that things may get more complicated once Saturn enters the sign of Sagittarius.

What do the stars indicate about Mistry’s future?
Confusion and Uncertainty to Loom Large

The upcoming year may prove to be one of the most ‘eventful’ periods of Mistry’s life. Saturn will be transiting in a direct-retrograde-direct motion between the signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio. The journey of this mighty taskmaster is likely to create a lot of problems for Cyrus and he will have to proceed cautiously.

A Challenging Time
When Saturn finally enters Sagittarius on October 28, 2017, its direct aspect on the cluster of planets in the Sign of Gemini may give rise to serious disputes and legal puzzles. Some issues of the past may come back to haunt Cyrus and new allegations may also be raised against him. Rahu’s transit for about 3 years from August 18, 2017, would add salt to his wounds.

Jupiter’s Saving Grace Too Mild
Amidst all the adverse influences being created by Saturn and Rahu, the positive influence of Jupiter may prove to be too mild to negate troubles, but may provide him the necessary respite.

Considering the overall picture, it seems that it’s a rocky road ahead for Cyrus Mistry. Ganesha advises him to compromise and move ahead.

Tags: cyrus mistry, saturn, sagittarius