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  Entertainment   Bollywood  19 Sep 2018  Silk Smitha to scorch the screen again!

Silk Smitha to scorch the screen again!

Published : Sep 19, 2018, 12:07 am IST
Updated : Sep 19, 2018, 12:07 am IST

After being stuck in cans for 23 years, herlast film will be released soon.

The sex symbol and most sought after erotic actress appeared in over 450 films in all the south Indian languages, besides Hindi, in her 17-year career. She was found dead in her apartment, apparently having taken her own life.
 The sex symbol and most sought after erotic actress appeared in over 450 films in all the south Indian languages, besides Hindi, in her 17-year career. She was found dead in her apartment, apparently having taken her own life.

Nearly a quarter of a century may have passed since her death and yet Silk Smitha continues to fascinate. She may be classified in film history as an item dancer but she was much more than that as she ruled the roost in the southern industry. Her dreamy eyes and seductive looks are all set to enthral movie goers all over again as the last film that she acted in is likely to surface only now.

If all goes well, Silk Smitha's Tamil film Raaga Thaalangal, directed by Thirupathi Rajan, will see the light of the day soon. The film got stuck in the cans due to financial constraints as well as its controversial content on caste based issues.

A decade ago, reports seemed to suggest that a movie named Thanga Thamarai, directed by Thirupathi Rajan, was to hit the marquee then. It is not certain if the same movie is now having a rebirth as Raaga Thaalangal.

Thirupathi Rajan claims he was the one who introduced Smitha to tinsel town with his movie Veenaiyum Naathamum in 1979. Unfortunately, it didn't get released and later Smitha made her debut the same year with Vandi Chakram. She then assumed the sobriquet ‘Silk’ after the name of her character in that movie. The sultry siren did not look back from there to the very end with her iconic screen presence. She represented the female fantasy of many a man and that imagery was exploited by film producers who saw commercial success in it.

It is said her personal life was somewhat of a torment for her. The sex symbol and most sought-after erotic actress, who had appeared in over 450 films in all the south Indian languages, besides Hindi, in her 17-year career, was found dead in her apartment, apparently having taken her own life.

Rajan is said to have made a few changes in the script once again and is making an attempt to release RT, which had actually completed in 1995 before Silk Smitha reportedly committed suicide in 1996.

Meanwhile, there have been few biographical films made on Silk Smitha and Pa Ranjith of Kaala and Kabali fame is also said to be making one on her. However, at a recent interaction, the director clarified that he may not wield the megaphone for the web series on Silk Smitha, but he could possibly bankroll it.

The Silk Smitha fantasy lives on — in the silver screen. The old film with a revised story line might contribute more to the legend of the actress named Viayalakshmi Vadlapati, who became inseparable from her screen surname of Silk.

Tags: silk smitha