CII to focus on enhancing industry competency, job creation
Employment generation would focus on education, skills, livelihood, human resource development.;

Chennai: Trade body Confederation of Indian Industry CII would focus on enhancing industry's competency and employment generation under its seven point charter for the southern region this year, its Southern Region Chairman Sanjay Jayarathnavelu said on Wednesday.
The seven points would be -- policy and regulatory excellence, enhancing industry's core competitiveness, employment generation, strengthening the small and medium enterprises, bridging the urban-rural divide, developmental growth and active membership engagement programme, he said.
CII would focus on high growth sectors like manufacturing, automobiles, information and communication technology as part of its move to enhance industry's core competitiveness, he said.
Employment generation would focus on education, skills, livelihood, human resource development.
According to him, CII was working towards a 'Model State Budget' in select States to encourage specific action and promote fiscal discipline.
'Under the Competitiveness of South India Inc India@75: Forging Ahead' theme, CII would focus on policy advocacy, ease of doing business, education and skill development, start-ups, micro, small and medium enterprises, among others.
Thrust would be given on advisory services on Intellectual Property Rights, capacity building programmes for micro, small and medium enterprises, he said.
On its move towards employment generation, he said major engagement would be "skill-gap" study in labour intensive areas and to facilitate industry centric policy in Southern States.