Small traders want penal norms delayed
Traders said that a complex taxation system like the Goods and Services Tax is not expected to stabilise from day one and many issues will crop up.;

New Delhi: With 60 per cent of the country’s small traders yet to be computerised, wholesalers and traders are demanding amnesty from penal provisions of GST for atleast nine months.
A large number of small traders are still not educated about GST and there are expected to be teething problem for them in the initial phase.
GST is expected to replace hand-written receipts as traders will need to maintain computerised records and file returns online. For that they will need to upgrade their existing business format and link digital payment with GST among other things.
“We are asking for interim period for general traders for whom so far no interaction has been initiated by the government and they are still unaware of nitty-gritty of GST. Since GST is a new thing for the trading community interim period will be best suited to bring more people under GST net,” said Praveen Khandelwal, secretary general, Confederation of All India Traders ( CAIT).
He said that when VAT was introduced there was around three years as transition period. Mr Khandelwal said that during the trial period no penal action should be taken against any trader for procedural lapses.
As per the GST Council decision, traders in the country with revenue above Rs 20 lakh have to register for GST. “Till now GST rules have not been completely been framed. There are many things in pipeline. Trading community across country need to be informed about GST and GST is entirely different kind of taxation system against current tax regime. So it is obvious that during its operations there may be procedure lapse by the trading community,” he said.
“Still 60 per cent of the small businesses in the country has not adopted computerisation which is a major challenge because GST is technology based taxation system,” he added.