Denied promotion for years, cops to don seniors’ uniforms
In a gesture of goodwill and encouragement, Police Commissioner Alok Kumar Verma has allowed lower rank policemen in the national capital to wear uniforms of policemen one rank higher to them.;
In a gesture of goodwill and encouragement, Police Commissioner Alok Kumar Verma has allowed lower rank policemen in the national capital to wear uniforms of policemen one rank higher to them. Along with the uniforms, these personnel will be given a new rank, which will be their personal rank till they get their regular promotion.
These junior rank police personnel would, however, not be entitled to any salary hike or new perks. They will exercise the duties assigned to them.
According to a notification issued by Delhi police, constables who have completed 15 years in service on January 1 this year and have been granted first financial upgradation (MACP) will be allowed to wear the uniform of head constables. Those with 25 years can now don the uniform of the assistant sub inspectors.
The police chief has proposed the ad hoc arrangement as a morale booster for his junior rank personnel who have for long been struggling to get their promotions. “A constable who has been designated as head constable (Special Grade) will be promoted to the grade of Head Constable as and when his turn comes in the regular line of promotion, unless he/she is found ineligible and only on the basis of the seniority list and on the recommendation of the Departmental Promotion Committee,” the notification said, adding, “His/her seniority will not be changed in the cadre of the police constable on the grant of this rank of Head Constable (special grade designation). “
“The constables who have completed 25 years of regular service and have not yet been promoted on regular basis as Head Constables will be considered for ASI (Special Grade) after issuance of orders of Head Constable (Special Grade) and only after successful completion of 45 days specialised training, they can wear the uniform of ASI rank. Head Constable will only be the personal rank till he gets his regular promotion as Head Constable,” it said.
This scheme would be applicable for all the three cadres i.e. Executive, Ministerial and Technical.
“The above interim measure shall cease to exist as soon as the cadre restructuring proposal of Delhi police for the post of constable to inspector is sanctioned,” the notification said. The guidelines for granting of special grade designation prepared by Delhi police, which stated that to assess the suitability of police personnel for grant of Special Grade Designation, a screening committee will be constituted. “The constables whose names are recommend for grant of Head Constable (Special Grade) will undergo a specialised training of 30 days. Those who have completed 25 years of service and recommended for grant of ASI (Special Grade) will undergo specialised training of 45 days,” it said.