Back on the health track

January brings with it a series of night outs or a resolution to lose those love handles. If you are a tippler, it is possible that you may have a hangover due to a binge drinking session.

Update: 2015-01-13 00:44 GMT
The recipes are contributed by chef Gautam Mehrishi of Zee Khana Khazana channel.

January brings with it a series of night outs or a resolution to lose those love handles. If you are a tippler, it is possible that you may have a hangover due to a binge drinking session. The morning after brings with it queasiness and nausea that swear you to never experiment with spirits again. While you may have your concoctions to save you from this self-inflicted form of pain, it may not be enough after you have consumed one too many tipples.

And if you are the fitness freak, there are chances you are looking to detox after the December debauchery. Whatever be your reasons, we have you covered. Store up on those vitamins or get rid of those toxins with these hangover cures and detox recipes:

Bacon and Cheese Pie


Refined flour: 2 cups Olive oil: 2 tbsp Butter: 2-3 tbsp Bacon strips: 200 gm Mustard paste: 2-3 tsp Cheddar cheese: 50 gm Water as required Salt to taste

For Garnish Olive oil


In a bowl add refined flour, salt, olive oil, water and knead the dough. Dust some flour, roll out the dough and apply butter on it. Fold the dough from the sides and roll out the dough and repeat it 2-3 times. Wrap the dough in butter paper and refrigerate it for 3-4 hours. Now roll out the dough and cut it according to the size of the pie tray. Place the dough into the pie tray. Apply butter over it, place the bacon’s, mustard paste, sliced cheddar cheese. Now cover the pie with the dough and seal it and brush olive oil over it. Bake the pie in an oven at 190 degree for 20-25 minutes. Garnish the dish with olive oil. Your bacon and cheese pie is ready.

Lemon Vanilla pudding


Refined flour: 1 cup Lemon juice: 3 tsp Lemon zest: 1 tsp Icing sugar: 2 tbsp Vanilla syrup: tsp Butter 1 tsp Condensed milk: 200 ml Warm water: 2 tsp Salt to taste For Garnish Lemon zest 1 tsp Icing sugar to dust Condensed milk: 2-3 tbsp


In a bowl add refined flour, lemon juice, lemon zest, salt, icing sugar, vanilla syrup, butter, condensed milk, warm water and mix well to form the batter. Pour the batter into the moulds. Place the moulds in a double boiler and bake it for 15-18 minutes. Remove the moulds and de-mould the pudding. Garnish the dish with lemon zest, icing sugar and condensed milk. Your lemon pudding is ready.

The recipes are contributed by chef Gautam Mehrishi of Zee Khana Khazana channel.

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