Race 3: This is why Salman Khan calls Freddy Daruwala 'metrosexual'
We were inquisitive to know why Freddy got this tag 'Metrosexual' by his 'Race 3' co-star Salman, he told us the inside story.;

Mumbai: Freddy Daruwala made his presence felt as a villain with his first outing ‘Holiday’, since then it has been four years. Freddy says, “I was getting offers but I did not wish to opt for those characters as they were not appealing to me.”
Working in ‘Race 3’, a Salman Khan starrer film. Freddy got the tag of ‘Being The Metro Sexual’ man on the sets…Also during the first trailer launch of the film, Salman addressed him as “Hi…metrosexual!!”
We were inquisitive to know why he got this tag ‘Metrosexual’? Freddy told us the inside story, “Now it so happens that I come from a modelling background and I have been told to save my skin from sun. Avoid getting tanned as an actor you need to have a clear skin. So whenever I came out of the van I would come under the shelter of an umbrella to protect my skin from the bright sunlight. Hence, Salman sir gave me the tag of ‘Metrosexual man.’
Adding further he updates, “Salman Khan Sir –once out on the sets will never go inside his van. He is fine with a fan around and will sit in the broad sunlight without going into his van. This quality of his is amazing and I do not know yet how he maintains to look so dashing and good looking.”
Your take on ‘Metro Sexual man’ take kay ho sakta hai. Hum mardon ko bhi khubsurat dikhne ka haq hai yar.” [We men also have the right to look handsome possessing good skin so no harm in being metro sexual]
So does Freddy care for manicure and pedicure also? Laughs aloud…Not that much. But yes I surely like to keep my nails clean.”
Adding one important trait in him he adds, “I indeed love to smell good and thus use my favourite perfume always…Smelling bad who would like yar?? He concludes.