Ram Gopal Varma believes in test runs
Ramu says that the only film personality in India who welcomes criticism is Aamir Khan.;
Ram Gopal Varma feels that the lack of feedback is killing the Indian film industry.
“Filmmakers don’t get honest feedback on what they are making. If they did, how would you explain some of the recent big-budget fiascos that have nearly brought the studios down?” he asks.
Ramu says that the only film personality in India who welcomes criticism is Aamir Khan. “When we collaborated on Rangeela, he would constantly seek feedback from people he trusted, such as his sister Nusrat and cousin Mansoor Khan. He would then take notes with a pad and pen and ask me to act on the inputs. That’s how I learnt the value of test-runs and random feedback,” he divulges.
For his new film Sarkar 3, Ramu constantly sought feedback from all and sundry.
“When I did a test-run for Satya, my brother’s friend had given me a 20-point list of the things that according to him were wrong with the film. I actually incorporated some of his suggestions and re-shot the film as per some of his advice. Looking back, I feel the film wouldn’t have worked if I hadn’t taken it,” says Ramu.
“There is a lesson to be learnt in the way Aamir constantly shows his films to random people throughout the shooting. Unfortunately our film industry is working with blinkers on. This is why we’re so close to ruination.”