Those memorable Id celebrations
So we ask celebs to rack their brains and share with us their most cherished Id memory.;

After the holy month of fasting, it’s finally time for the festival. But as one grows up, moves to another city for the sake of an ever-demanding career and misses being with family, all Id celebrations aren’t alike. So we ask celebs to rack their brains and share with us their most cherished Id memory.
Sana Khan,actress
Id is the festival which I celebrate wholeheartedly. I love to celebrate it with family and friends. Every year I invite my close friends and family over and together we celebrate the festival at home. I am going tomorrow to Haji Ali for blessings and will be distrubuting food to the poor. I will also be giving gifts to my mother, which include a lot of traditional items and herbal goodies. About 100 people are coming home tomorrow to celebrate Id with us and I’m very excited about it.
Hasan Zaidi, actor
Id is the most beautiful and best time of the year for me. Every year I have a get-together at my house, where over 50 people from the industry come. My fondest memories of Id are from my childhood days, when I used to play with my father at Id. We used to get gifts and money from the elders. Now tables have turned as I am the eldest in the family. Also, food is something which I get excited about every year. I like the traditional food of Id, especially kebabs and biryani.
Eijaz Khan, actor
I will celebrate this Id with my friends and co-stars on the set of my show Ye Moh Moh Ke Dhage. I have a beautiful team and I am always so positive on the sets. My fondest memory of Id is eating lot of sevaiya and getting idi from father. I love fasting for Ramzan as it makes one feel pure and pious.
Mohommed Ali Shah, theatre artiste
In 2008, after celebrating Id with my grandmother in the first half of the day we started off well in advance to celebrate Id with with my father Lt. Gen. Zameer Uddin Shah’s mentor Hamid Ansari, the Vice President of India. To our horror we encountered very heavy traffic jams. We didn’t want to get late and we could only resort to prayer. It is then that I realised the power of prayer. Despite encountering such heavy traffic, we made it on time. I was overwhelmed to meet the top brass of our country. That has been the most eventful Id for me till date. (As in the pic)
Shama Sikander, actress
I love to celebrate Id with my family and closest friends. Everyone waits for Id to come so they all can have the yummy food that my mother and bhabhi makes. This time, I have asked my friends to bring any food item they like. My partner James is also here with me. He’s family now so we celebrate everything together. He loves Indian food especially biryani and kebabs. He will get dressed in a traditional Pathani suit. As a child, during Id, getting new clothes from parents and collecting idi from each and every elderly member of the family was a great feeling. It’s strange how little things matter so much more when you were a child, because when you grow up, you have to do it for all the kids in the family.