Candidates use gift coupons' to outwit EC
One voter in Bableshwar saidhe had coupons of different symbols for a free meal and drink.;
Belagavi: The Election Commission may be keeping an eagle eye on thecampaigning in Karnataka to stop candidates from buying voters through gifts and money power, but it appears to have reckoned without the ingenuityof those in the fray in parts of north-Karnataka, where candidates havefound a way to slyly distribute money, liquor, and other goodies under itsvery nose .
Tiny slips of papers are being distributed like coupons among thepeople in some high-profile constituencies like Badami, Terdal, Bableshwar, Indi and Jamkhandi to make sure they get cash, liquor, and other goodiessecretly before heading to the polling booths on May 12.
In some constituencies, several hotels and small restaurants and bars, compensated by the candidates, are already accepting the “coupons” to provide people food and liquor free of cost. One voter in Bableshwar saidhe had “coupons” of different symbols for a free meal and drink. “All Ihave to do is just hand them over to a particular restaurant and bar to get liquor and food free on behalf of a particular candidate of a majorpolitical party,’’ he explains.