Differences with Modi a media-made perception: Vasundhara Raje

The Asian Age With Agency Inputs

India, All India

On being asked about the leadership of Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi, Ms Raje said she has “no opinion” to offer.

Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje. (Photo: PTI)

New Delhi: Dismissing reports of  differences with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Rajasthan chief minister Vasundhara Raje on Tuesday said this was a “perception” created by the media. She also termed as “imaginary talk” reports that she was angry that her MP son Dushyant Singh was not inducted into the Cabinet when Mr Modi took charge in 2014.

“You all have tried to create that perception... That I am a ‘maharani’... I have had no problems (with the PM) till now... Things are going good... If it is about perception, then you help us change it,” Ms Raje said at an event organised by a private news channel. “There could be a perception problem with you but nothing between us.”

She added that her son is “happy where he is” and all the talks about her being unhappy at him not being inducted into the Modi cabinet are “kalpanik baatein (imaginary talks)”.

On being asked about the leadership of Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi, Ms Raje said she has “no opinion” to offer. She also said she does not see state Congress chief Sachin Pilot as a “threat” to herself.