Complain to me, not social media: Bipin Rawat to troops

The Asian Age.

India, All India

The Army Chief also said that grievances should be aired within the Army mechanism and not social media.

Army Chief Gen Bipin Rawat gestures during the Army's annual press conference in New Delhi. (Photo: PTI)

New Delhi: Army Chief Gen. Bipin Rawat said on Friday that he was putting in place a suggestion-cum-grievance box at the Army headquarters for soldiers to write to him directly. The idea will also be implemented at the level of all formations subsequently, he said.

This comes after an Army jawan complained on social media about certain tasks of a “sahayak” or “buddy” (referred to by some earlier in the Army as an orderly) he had to do, and a  worrying string of videos uploaded by paramilitary and Army jawans to air their grievances about food and working conditions.

Soldiers and officers would need to disclose their identity, which would not be leaked, while making complaints, the Army Chief said at an annual interaction in Delhi ahead of Army Day on Sunday.

Gen. Rawat will task two or three officers with maintaining a confidential register. The drop box will be sealed and sent to him so that he can look into the grievances.

The Army Chief also said that grievances should be aired within the Army mechanism and not social media, saying that airing of these on social media can prove detrimental as a “two-side weapon”.

“There will be a suggestion-cum grievance box at the Army headquarters. Subsequently, it will be there at the lower formations as well. Whatever they write (as grievances), it will reach me,” he said.

The Army chief also praised the “sahayak” or “buddy” system in the Army, saying that no soldier is forced to perform the tasks of a “sahayak” if he does not like it.

On the allegations levelled by Army jawan Lance Naik Yagya Pratap Singh on social media, the Army chief said, “This boy (the jawan) had a grievance. He did not like some of the duties assigned to a ‘sahayak’. He felt aggrieved. The manner in which he came out with the grievances was not the best way.”

The Army Chief also admitted that there were some jawans who may not feel happy performing the tasks of a “sahayak” that may include polishing items like brassware, belts and shoes in the officer’s personal kit.

Touching on other matters during his extensive media interaction, the Army Chief also said that if found necessary, the Army can carry out surgical strikes again at terror targets across the LoC in PoK. “We want peace and tranquility at the borders. There is an offer of peace to the adversary (Pakistan). If that offer is not reciprocated, then this method of execution is adopted... Offence is the best form of defence. We should never get embroiled in a fort (defensive) mentality,” he said. He also advised a policy of wait and watch after new Pakistan Army Chief Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa assumed office in that country.

Gen. Rawat also said the removal from operational command of the then Brigade commander in charge of the Uri base for serious security lapses when a terror attack took place a few months ago is viewed in the Army as a “disgrace” to the officer and “severe punishment”.

He said the Brigadier-level officer has been given another operational command to ensure that the Army is not at the receiving end if he goes to court, but sources said all indications are that the officer concerned would not be promoted to the next rank.

Gen. Rawat also said he had reached out to Eastern Army Commander Lt. Gen. Praveen Bakshi who was superseded last month for the post of the Army Chief, and said both officers had accepted the decision of the government on selection of the Army chief.

Asked about reports of Lt. Gen. Bakshi reportedly saying there was a conspiracy by some to malign his image, the Army Chief said that if anything was brought to his notice formally, it would be acted upon.

Indicating that any direct combat role for women officers in the Army would meet with logistical difficulties, Gen. Rawat said that equal opportunities also means equal responsibilities, and pointed to certain difficulties like lack of toilets in rugged terrain during patrols. He said it was up to women to decide if they were willing to join men in frontline combat role without separate and additional facilities.

