BJP MP blames own leaders for jat agitation

The on-going jat reservation stir in Haryana has turned to be embarrassment for the BJP as its leaders are blaming own leaders for instigating Jat leaders for the agitation.

Update: 2016-02-13 18:55 GMT

The on-going jat reservation stir in Haryana has turned to be embarrassment for the BJP as its leaders are blaming own leaders for instigating Jat leaders for the agitation.

The jat community has blocked rail traffic near Hisar pressing for their demands. However, the agitation brought out the internal squabbling of the party into the open as BJP MP from Kurukshetra Raj Kumar Saini blamed a section of senior Jat leaders for instigating Jats.

The BJP MP named Union minister Birender Singh and state finance minister Capt. Abhimanyu Singh (both belong to the jat community) for prompting the mob to disrupt normal life in an attempt “to pressurise the government to accept an unconstitutional demand”.

He demanded disciplinary action against the erring leaders of his own party for “indulging in caste politics”. “BJP ministers supporting reservation benefit for jats should quit government posts and sit among the protesters on the rail track. Ministers have taken an oath to abide by the Indian Constitution but for their electoral gains, the BJP leaders are encouraging jats to block rail traffic,” he said.

“A section of the BJP leaders are weakening the party by publicly showing solidarity with the illegitimate demand of jats for reservation. Even the Supreme Court has ruled against giving reservation benefits to Jats. Unfort-unately, leaders from our own party are working with the protesters for their personal interests,” he added Mr Saini demanded recovering the loss due to protesters blocking Hisar-Delhi rail section.

“It is not for the first time that Jats are blocking the rail traffic. It is highly condemnable as the blocking the railway portrays lawlessness in Haryana”.

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