Donald Trump failed his first foreign test: Hillary Clinton

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has failed in his first foreign policy test, his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton said as the real estate tycoon returned from Mexico City after meeting th

Update: 2016-09-01 23:57 GMT
Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (Photo: AP)

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has failed in his first foreign policy test, his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton said as the real estate tycoon returned from Mexico City after meeting the Mexican president.

“Trump just failed his first foreign test. Diplomacy isn’t as easy as it looks,” said 68-year-old Ms Clinton in a tweet. Mr Trump, 70, has almost no experience in foreign policy as compared to Ms Clinton who served as the US secretary of state during the first term of the Obama Administration.

Ms Clinton’s critical comment came after a controversy erupted on building a wall along the Mexico border, a major election plank of Mr Trump.

The Mexican President tweeted that during the meeting he told Mr Trump that Mexico would not pay for the wall. However, Mr Trump said that he never discussed this with the Mexican President.

The Hillary Campaign slammed Mr Trump for visiting Mexico to meet its President at his invitation.

“Donald Trump has made his outlandish policy of forcing Mexico to pay for his giant wall the centrepiece of his campaign. But at the first opportunity to make good on his offensive campaign promises, Trump choked,” said John Podesta from Hillary for America Chair.

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