Drone strike kills two suspected al Qaeda members in Yemen

Washington is the only government to operate drones over Yemen.

Update: 2016-09-21 09:33 GMT
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Washington is the only government to operate drones over Yemen.

Aden: An apparent US drone strike in Yemen killed two suspected al-Qaeda members and caused a large explosion when munitions they were transporting blew up, a security official and witnesses said Wednesday.

Washington is the only government to operate drones over Yemen but only periodically releases statements on its long-running bombing campaign against the country's powerful al-Qaeda branch.

Tuesday evening's strike hit the Wadi Abida district of Marib province, east of the capital Sanaa.

The security official named one of the dead as Abu Yaqin al-Waeli, a local al-Qaeda commander.

Marib is largely in the hands of loyalists of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi and his allies in a Saudi-led coalition.

But al-Qaeda has taken advantage of fighting with the Shiite rebels who control the capital to expand their presence in the province.

Washington considers al-Qaeda's Yemen-based franchise to be its most dangerous and has kept up its drone war throughout the conflict.

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