Indian-American governor Nikki Haley says she will vote for Donald Trump

During the primaries, Haley had endorsed Marco Rubio and she has been very critical of the policies and statements of Trump.

Update: 2016-10-27 05:32 GMT
(Photo: AP)

During the primaries, Haley had endorsed Marco Rubio and she has been very critical of the policies and statements of Trump.


: South Carolina's Indian-American Governor Nikki Haley has said this year's US presidential election has turned her stomach upside down as she is not happy with either of the choices for the president, but she still plans to vote for Republican nominee Donald Trump.

\"This election has turned my stomach upside down. It has been embarrassing for both parties. It's not something that the country deserves, but it's what we've got,\" a disappointed Haley said.

\"This is no longer a choice for me on personalities, because I'm not a fan other either one. What it is about is policy,\" the 44-year-old said.

Haley said she would vote for Trump even though she disagrees with him on many issues and finds his remarks on rigging of elections \"irresponsible\".

\"The best person based on the policies and dealing with things like Obamacare still is Donald Trump. That doesn't mean it's an easy vote, but it does mean I'm watching out for the people of South Carolina and I'm watching out for the people of South Carolina and that's who I will be voting for on November 8,\" Haley told reporters at a news conference in Columbia, South Carolina.

During the primaries, Haley had endorsed Marco Rubio and she has been very critical of the policies and statements of Trump.

\"Eighteen months of seeing where everyone's trying to see how they can one-up someone on story that has nothing to do related to the policies of the people of this country and so I think what I look forward to is us moving on past two weeks, dealing with whatever the results are, and moving forward,\" she added.

\"This election is not rigged, and it's irresponsible to say that it is,\" Nikki Haley said in a statement to The Post and Courier, a major daily from South Carolina.

\"Faith in the democratic process is one of America's greatest strengths, and it's more important than the outcome of any election,\" she said in her first statement after the allegations that GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has been making that the election is rigged.

Several leaders from the Democratic and Republican party and official of the Federal Election Commission have refuted Trump's allegations in this regard.

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