Laws of vibration

Science through Quantum Physics is showing us that everything in the universe is energy. When we go down on a sub-atomic level we do not find matter, but pure energy.

By :  Manishaa R
Update: 2016-03-16 17:11 GMT

Science through Quantum Physics is showing us that everything in the universe is energy. When we go down on a sub-atomic level we do not find matter, but pure energy. Some call this the unified field or the matrix.

This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates. As discovered by Pythogoras, motion is characteristic of every matter and every being. Everything is vibrating at one speed and one frequency or another, and so are you. However, your frequency is different from other things in the universe, hence it seems like you are separated from what you see around you like, people, animals, plants, trees and so on. Every matter, every sound and every colour has its own wavelength and has its own frequency, even our thoughts and feelings. It is all governed by The Law of Vibration. A table may look solid and still, but within the table are millions of subatomic particles running around. Humans live by the old saying “seeing is believing”. Most people only choose to look at what they know now and what they can see. They only rely on their five senses to tell them what the reality is. They are not willing to keep an open mind. They are only using their sensory level to define their frame of knowledge, in the time we are living. For example, our skin is covered with bacteria. But, if you had told this to people before the invention of the microscope they would not have believed it. We need to learn from history and realise that something might be true even though we do not see it. For example, there are various kinds of sounds which specific animals can hear and humans can’t. Everything you see on earth is made from one original substance, out of which all things proceed. All things are created from electrons, protons and neutrons, which are ‘moving energies’ and which, in their original state, permeate, penetrate and fill the interspace of the universe.

Human beings can create the moving energy by thought and by impressing thought can manifest creation through cause and effect theory. Thoughts and emotions are vibratory states, having an impact upon the environment around you. That is why at ‘thought’ and ‘feeling’ level, it’s important to have good vibes about whatever you want to create and manifest. The Law of Vibration represents the knowledge, wisdom and ability to intervene in the lower levels of manifestation in order to produce the desired transformation and to improve the quality of human consciousness resulting in positive progression. Lower levels of manifestation means attracting the energy of your inner self and also the energy of the mass population for an objective or task that is someone’s personal and vested interest.

One can transform these to higher levels of manifestation for the highest and the best of all beings in general. One can learn this from nature.

Energy of all beings moves in circular patterns in the universe. You will find many of your life experiences repeating themselves till your learning from them is complete. For growth and evolution one needs to go deeper, understand and learn the lessons that are still left out from each experience. Every time you learn something new and significant from that repetitive experience, you are changing the orbit of your journey at a higher frequency.

The writer is a tarot expert

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