Protecting Mother Earth

Earth and its ecosystem is our home. It is our only home. We depend on Mother Earth like own small children depend on us: for all nurturing and for life itself.

Update: 2016-05-18 17:05 GMT

Earth and its ecosystem is our home. It is our only home. We depend on Mother Earth like own small children depend on us: for all nurturing and for life itself. There is a deep interdependence between us and all other living creatures on our planet. If we wish to enjoy health and well-being we need to live and play in harmony with nature. All our metro cities with Delhi in the lead, have an air pollution rate that is literally chocking people. Respiratory diseases and allergies are rampart. with more vehicles, petrol fumes, etc. adding to the toxic air we breathe. In the words of UThant, “May there be only peaceful and cheerful earth days to come for our beautiful spaceship Earth as it continues to spin and circle in frigid space with its warm and fragile cargo of animate life.” What can we do to keep our Mother Earth in a state of well-being, you may ask Answer is quite simple: be aware of what to put into the earth and what you take from the planet: water, air, food, oil and minerals. Treat her with tenderness and you too will receive the finest gifts of health and happiness.

Celebrate each day by doing these things: Use a reusable cloth bag for shopping Refuse to use plastic bags Stop the burning of rubbish in your neighbourhood Start car pooling Use timers for outdoor lights so they stay switched off during the day Reuse as many times as you can Reuse leather with other materials like cloth Eat less meat, earn merit.

The writer is the author of Everyday Happiness Mantras

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