Reach out for happiness

A cool breeze surprises as a hot, sweltering day, draws to a close. Happiness hovers along the edges of the worst days of crisis. When hit by crisis, act to lighten your state of mind.

Update: 2016-06-15 16:31 GMT

A cool breeze surprises as a hot, sweltering day, draws to a close. Happiness hovers along the edges of the worst days of crisis. When hit by crisis, act to lighten your state of mind. First treat yourself like a friend in shock. Sit down. Drink cool liquids, eat a nourishing meal and talk to a caring friend. Get up and walk. Let sunshine and fresh air blow away the dark clouds. Even as you talk on the phone walk around, be energetic and your enthusiasm will affect those around you too. Look your best, smile. Invest in a great outfit and a stylish haircut. Plan a lunch with a someone who is sure to admire it. Call a dear friend. Reach out for support and nurturing. Allow your network to support and enfold you in a warm blanket. This will help even if you are an introvert.

Attack your list of ‘to do’ stuff. Get rid of nagging tasks and clear your desk. Then embark on a whole scale war to solve the problem that has hit you. Get help from everyone around you. Plan a fun evening ahead. Book a movie ticket, order a book, plan a fun Sunday. Involve family and friends. Reach out for small happiness breaks — an ice cream sundae, great coffee, a call to a mood elevating friend. Do a good deed; introduce people to those who can help them.

I have a friend who believes in HOPE — Help One Person Every day. Call someone whom no one calls. Pay a sincere compliment. The crisis would now have abated and you would have lifted the spirits of all around you! Have a happy week!

The writer is the author of Everyday Happiness Mantras

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