Seeds that serve a dual purpose!

Winter is the perfect season to include Flaxseeds in your daily diet.

By :  Avni Kaul
Update: 2019-11-28 19:27 GMT
Flaxseeds can be used in grinded or powdered form as well.

It’s the time of the year when chilly winds are about to take a toll on many people’s health. Including healthy foods in your regular diet is of utmost importance as it will assist in building a stronger immune system, particularly during this time of the year. Foods like flaxseeds may look small but are filled with several health benefits that can make or break the deal.

Flaxseeds can be used in grinded or powdered form as well. However, if you do not like the idea of having them raw then experiment with your culinary skills and make them into laddoos.

Here are the way flaxseed laddoos can do wonders for your body during winters.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels
Eating a flaxseed ladoo with a glass of warm milk can turn out to be very beneficial during winters. Flax seeds are a great source of alpha-linolenic acid that is linked to reducing down of LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides levels.

Aids Weight Loss
Winters often make you overeat. Flaxseed laddoos are filled with nutrition and have the ability to keep you full for a longer period of time. Having a laddoo before your meal can keep those unwanted odd hours munching at bay. Ensure the laddoos you’re consuming aren’t loaded with sugar though.
Among all the good methods of weight loss, flaxseeds are one of the finest foods that help you lose extra kilos. Rich with fiber, Omega 3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, flaxseeds increase your body’s ability to lose weight.

Ways Flaxseeds Help In Weight Loss

Dietary Fibre
Flaxseeds are a good source of dietary fiber. Dietary fibre is categorized into 2 parts, soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber makes a gel-like substance which when faces the digestive juices and water, slows down the food absorption in your colon and in turn, makes one feel fuller for a longer time. The insoluble fiber assists in promoting the good gut bacteria that aid digestive health and enhances your metabolic rate.

Essential Fatty Acids
The reason they are referred to as essential fatty acids because they can only be obtained from healthy food sources. Flaxseeds are filled with 2 essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6. These essential fatty acids obtained from flaxseeds are changed to phospholipids, an integral part of the cell membrane structure. Once you ingest them, omega-3 and omega-6-fatty acids get changed to prostaglandin that balances the metabolism. Prostaglandins derived from omega-3 fatty acids assist in lowering inflammation. Inflammation can induce weight gain as it can enhance oxidative stress.

Flaxseeds are high in proteins. When you eat a teaspoon of flaxseeds, along with dietary fiber, the protein compound suppresses your appetite. This stops you from overeating, thereby assisting you in losing weight.

Low Carbohydrate
Flaxseeds are low in starch and sugar, thus they are not high on calories. Consuming them daily is good for your health and assists in losing weight.

Flaxseed Usage In Food
You can use flaxseed by sprinkling them over your hot or cold breakfast cereal. Adding them into your favourite yogurt. Mixing them into cookies, bread, and smoothies made from fruits.


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