Doctors shocked to find stone baby in woman's abdomen 15 years after abortion
The woman had been suffering from abdominal pain since 15 years and has continous vomiting for three years.;

A lot of people choose to get their pregnancy terminated due to various reasons, but improper implementation of complicated medical procedures can lead to terrible consequences. Shocking cases of medical negligence leaving people in pain have been reported in the past, but an abortion gone wrong can be horrifying.
A 52-year-old woman from Nagpur had been suffering from excruciating abdominal pain for the past 15 years after getting an abortion due to opposition from family members. As she continuously vomited for the past three years, the woman visited a specialist who was shocked to find the supposedly aborted child lodged in her abdomen.
The gynaecologist and obstetrician treating the woman had confirmed the termination of her pregnancy 15 years back. But the specialist removed a fully grown stone baby after a two hour long surgery.
A scan showed an intestinal obstruction caused by a blockage in her food pipe and a stone like object along with it. A laparoscopy done following the findings revealed a four month old baby in the abdomen.
Stone babies are extremely rare since only 300 such cases have been reported across the world in four centuries. Since no sonography was done at the time of the abortion, neither the woman nor doctors knew that the baby was still there.