Find out which is the best position for sleeping
According to researchers, how you lie down at night could affect a whole lot more than just your slumber.;
Even after getting a full-night’s sleep, may of us still wake up feeling tired.
And while that could be because of a number of reasons ranging from food choices, row with partners, or hidden health issues, it could also be because of the position you’re sleeping in.
According to researchers, how you lie down at night could affect a whole lot more than just your slumber with certain poses triggering everything from neck pain and sleep apnea to impaired circulation and even nightmares.
Well despite only eight per cent of us doing so, various studies and experts praise the virtues of people sleeping on their backs.
According to experts, it is because it allows the head, neck and spine to maintain a neutral position, specifically making it a great option for anyone suffering from pain in those areas.
It also cuts down heartburn, as it keeps your head elevated above your chest.
However, what if a person si a side or front sleeper?
Shelby Harris, a sleep medicine expert and a professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, has revealed how to train oneself to sleep on their back.
Speaking to Popular Science, Harris said when you’re ready for bed you should place pillows on both sides of your body, and one under your knees. This will help keep you in place and prevent you from turning on your side.