Find out signs that show you have become an adult

From doing all your own washing, to paying your utility bills, researchers list things that signify you have reached adulthood.;

Update: 2018-02-07 05:52 GMT
The signs include, among other things, living in a clean house, not purchasing the cheapest wine at the shop and getting excited at the thought of buying a dishwasher.

According to a new UK study, there are 50 signs of a person finally reaching adulthood. These include, among others, things like living in a clean house, not purchasing the cheapest wine at the shop and getting excited at the thought of buying a dishwasher.

Other things that feature on the list include preferring a night in to a night out, taking out contents insurance and always clearing things away at the end of an evening.

The research, conducted by One Poll from Endsleigh Insurance Services also discovered that people now turn into an adult at the grand old age of 25 – some seven years later than legal adulthood.

Speaking about it, Julia Alpan, head of marketing at Endsleigh, said that an adult life can be a challenge for many.

Other signs of being an adult include doing a weekly food shop, being able to cook food from scratch and owning a vacuum cleaner.

Furthermore, moving out of the family is also a sure sign someone is on their way to being an adult, as is making your own financial decisions.

Endsleigh also found that, for students and house sharers, going out less to save money and selecting housemates based on reliability to pay rent, cleanliness and work ethic also featured prominently.

The researchers also found watching the news, going to bed before 11pm and owning a pet also appear on the top 50 list.

The top 10 signs include:

  • Paying utility bills
  • Doing your own washing / ironing
  • Budgeting
  • Moving out from the family home
  • Taking out contents insurance
  • Having a mortgage/buying a house
  • Your mum and dad don’t make your financial decisions for you any more
  • You pay into a pension
  • Keeping a clean house
  • Doing a weekly food shop

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