Find out why you should never wear shoes without socks
According to experts, wearing shoes without socks, men tend to risk exposing themselves to fungal infections.;

A new study reveals that while it may be increasingly fashionable among men to wear shows without socks, it is not exactly a really good idea.
According to The Telegraph, health experts say that by wearing shoes without socks, men tend to risk exposing themselves to fungal infections.
Doctors specialising in podiatry warm that the feet gives out around 230 ml of sweat everyday and in the absence of convenient cotton socks to absorb the excess sweat, it just soaks into the unbreatheable material in shoes.
This gives rise to unpleasant conditions like athlete’s foot, which may leave a person with flaky, sore and scaly feet.
Speaking to The Telegraph, Emma Stevenson from the College of Podiatry said that too much of sweatiness of the foot may lead to too much moisture in the feet, which can leave one vulnerable to fungal infections.
According to Stevenson, if the lining is not breathable then moisturem heat and bacteria all get trapped inside the shoe.
However, there are a few tips which may prevent infections. These include placing dry tea bags in shoes overnight, which should absorb much of the leftover sweat.
Another trick is spraying your feet with the same antiperspirant you use to keep your armpit sweat under control.
Otherwise, experts say, one should avoid wearing the same shoes everyday.
Stevenson added that another issue is the narrow, pointed men’s shoes and slip-on shoes.
According to Stevenson, pointy shoes are not shaped appropriately for the foot, resulting in ill-fitting shoes. This in turn causes friction over bony prominence in the feet such as the toes and heels.