Bulletproof Shoulders

Some simple exercises with the dumbbells will keep your shoulders moving freely, enabling you to go smoothly about your daily life;

Update: 2021-01-11 12:38 GMT
Mohammed Abrar, expert in strength sports

The shoulders are a complex part of the human body. The shoulder is joint is able to execute many different planes of movement; however, precisely because of this multi-directional mobility, its stability may sometimes become compromised.
Keeping shoulders healthy for the long haul requires more than just a few stretches.
Shoulder-building exercises should comprise an equal number of pushing moves (that build your chest and traps) and pulling variations (that strengthen the lats and rhomboids).  
Mohammed Abrar, expert in strength sports, provides some tips on how to ‘bulletproof’ your shoulders.

Dumbbell lateral raise Benefits: This is a good exercise for building width in your upper body to acquire a ‘V’ shape. It is an isolation exercise, focusing on stretch and muscle contraction, not using heavy weights. It is often done incorrectly.

Here’s how to do it right:
l Stand straight up with the dumbbells at
your sides.
l Raise your hands laterally sideways, till
slightly above than shoulder, then pause for a second.
l Slowly lower the dumbbells.

 Tip: Use this technique to power through a sticking point and accelerate results.  

Benefits: In daily life, you need strong shoulders to lift objects safely. The front raise strengthens primarily the shoulder deltoid. It helps build strength and definition in the front and sides of the shoulder. It may be recommended as part of physical therapy after a shoulder injury or shoulder surgery.

Here’s how to do it right:
l Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart. Keep the back straight and feet planted flat on the floor.
l Hold the dumbbells across the thighs horizontally, palms facing back toward the thighs. Ensure that you have a firm grip.
l Lift the weights upward, inhaling, with arms out in front and palms facing down. Keep a slight bend in the elbows to reduce the stress on the joints.
l Return the dumbbells to the starting position.

l Make sure the weights are light enough to prevent any forced or jerky movements. You should be able to use good form to complete all of the repetitions without thrusting the weights.
l Coordinate your breath to match the smooth, even, and controlled movement of your arms.
l Unless it is recommended, avoid this exercise if you have any neck, shoulder, or back concerns or injuries.

Barbell shoulder press Benefits: The barbell shoulder press improves strength, mobility, stability and more — and it targets much more than shoulders.

Here’s how to do it right:
l Stand upright with core muscles braced, looking straight ahead.
l Hold the bar on your upper chest, gripping it with hands held just over shoulder-width apart.
l Slowly lower the dumbbells to the start position.

l Mobilising the wrist is key — the better the starting position of the wrists, the better you will be able to initiate the move with a strong push.
l Squeeze your shoulder blades
l Adjust your head position
l Keep your chest straight and up
l Press the bar directly overhead.
l Don’t tilt your hips forward during the move.
l Shoulders are complex, multi directional joints, so make sure you warm up properly before you try any of these exercises. Do three sets of 15 repetitions of each of these exercises for best results.

Arnold dumbbell press Benefits: This is an effective variation of the shoulder press, and one of the best exercises that target deltoid muscles. It involves rotational movement while pressing and thus helps increase shoulder stability. It gives a greater range of motion than any other shoulder workouts, allowing for more focus on muscle fibres and providing a stronger contraction.

Here’s how to do it right:
l Begin by sitting on a flat bench. Hold the dumbbell at your side with an overhand grip. Tighten your core and flatten your back.
l Bring the dumbbells up to shoulder height so that your palm are facing you. Push the dumbbells overhead. Rotate them as you do so.
l At the height of the movement, your palms should be facing away from you. Pause, contract and slowly return to the starting point through the same rotation.

Tip: Performing an overhead lift
standing rather than seated requires your core to work double-time. Make sure your pelvis is in neutral to avoid overarching your back.

The 4 Keys
l Increasing rotator cuff strength
l Increasing range of shoulder motion
l Ensuring you do not flare your shoulders on chest/
triceps exercises
l Ensuring sufficient rest between upper body workouts


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