Chin up! people
The perfect shaped chin will not only boost your confidence but also make you look youthful!;
The chin is an important facial feature which contributes significantly to the shape and balance of the face. While some patients may benefit from a chin reduction, others seek to elongate their face with a chin implant, some find that their chins are too large to fit in with their other facial features. By moderately re-shaping the bone and other structural tissues, cosmetic chin reduction surgery can create a more pleasing contour for the face. Chin reduction also helps to make your face younger thereby boosting your confidence.
Treatment for chin and fat reduction: Chin reduction – also known as Mentoplasty is a safe and effective procedure to contour the lower jaw. It requires either trimming and re-sculpting of the chin’s fat pad, or re-shaping of the chin bone itself, and sometimes these two approaches are combined. This procedure is ideal for:
Those looking to contour an abnormally large or prominent chin.
Those wanting to enhance the results obtained from a rhinoplasty.
For 20-year-olds with a chin that has reached developmental maturity.
Those with reasonable expectations for improvement rather than perfection.
Liposuction for double chin: This procedure removes fat from beneath the skin and sculpts the chin and neck. A small incision is made under the skin, a tube is inserted to suck out the fat. The procedure requires only local anaesthetic to numb the general area. It is ideal for:
People who want to get rid of stubborn fat under their chin and in the neck.
People whose skin has a good tone and elasticity.
Benefits: Chin reduction- A chin reduction can create a more harmonious balance between your nose and your chin as it creates a more equal proportion between the two.
Liposuction for double chin:
It improves appearance, removal of a double chin, and enhances fullness underneath the chin.
Can be combined with other procedures
It has long term, sustainable results and refines the jawline to bolster the chin and bring balance to your facial features.
Most patients only need one liposuction treatment to achieve their desired results.
You don't have to “go under” to get chin liposuction. Instead, we can use local anesthetics to completely numb the area.
It is minimally invasive, so there is little blood loss. In addition, the fat removal is safe, and a quicker recovery time.
Cost: The cost for the procedures can vary based on several factors. It starts from Rs 50,000 onwards.
– The writer is a celebrity cosmetic surgeon
Disclaimer: Always check with a cosmetic surgeon before going ahead with this procedure.