4 things you can do to improve bowel movement
When it comes to shedding waste from your body, satisfaction matters.;

Satisfaction is important. A good bowel day actually works in keeping your day healthy and active. On the other hand, you tend to feel lethargic and off on days when there’s no proper bowel movement. Here are 4 things you can do to improve bowel movement:
1. Diet matters
To keep your gut health happy, it’s important to be careful about what you eat. Several studies over the years have shown that a fibre-rich diet helps in improving bowel movements. The bacteria in our intestine, or gut microbiome dictate our bowel health. Fibre-rich food is broken down into anti-inflammatory substances. However, food that’s rich in fats or salt can lead to inflammation. Curb your red meat intake and try to keep your salt intake to the recommended amount of 6 gm. Plus, consuming a lot of red meat also increase your chances of cancer.
2. If your bowel calls, go
An important factor to take care of is your bowel timing. Normally, your bowel is active after you’ve woken up or had your breakfast. “But in today’s world, many people don’t make time for this. Instead they delay bowel movements when they feel a stimulus, because they’re rushing out of the house or at work. This can lead to a bowel that is not opening regularly. So when you feel the desire to go, you should go,” said Dr Maura Corsetti of the University of Nottingham.
3. Take “don’t take stress” seriously
Your gut has a lot of nerves, and they release neurotransmitters when you’re stressed. They can lead to gut inflammation. Stress has been one of the major causes of several illnesses, so it’s essential to maintain your mental health. The best way to keep it at bay is by indulging in physical activities, like sports or exercising.
4. Don’t pop antibiotics so trivially
A lot of people take pills even when they go through minor medical inconveniences. If you feel something’s wrong with your gut, visit a doctor. Excessive intake of antibiotics can be harmful for your gut health. According to The Guardian, they might be effective in clearing infections, but they also wipe out healthy microbes form your gut.