Boy left with scars after his skull was taken apart to stop it from crushing brain

Pieces of his skull were removed after which slits and holes were put in them before putting it all together again.;

Update: 2017-10-23 13:21 GMT
The child was at risk of blindness and brain damage (Photo: AFP)

Children with rare medical conditions at birth may have to suffer an ordeal for years to come and may even face a threat to their life. In many cases children are saved by suitable diagnosis but sometimes it can leave them with life altering consequences.

A child in Cardiff was born with a condition where his skull fused together and exerted pressure on the brain which made him vulnerable to the risk of blindness and brain damage. The treatment for the disorder required doctors to take apart his skull and put it together like a jigsaw puzzle.

Leo Hutchinson’s skull was fitted with bolts that his mother regularly had to twist in order to relieve pressure and stop the skull from crushing his brain. The procedure helped Leo recover but left a zigzag shaped scar on his head.

The surgery involved doctors taking out pieces of his skull, putting slits and holes in it and putting it all back together. After two successful operations Leo is said to be making amazing progress.


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