Excessive drinking is major reason for erectile dysfunction
Alcohol stops the flow of blood to the penis when men get an erection
Men always boast about their sex life but there are many times when an erectile dysfunction leads to a dissatisfied sex life and a major problem in the relationship. While doctors have been trying to find out what are the reasons, a recent study has said that alcohol is actually a major cause for getting an erection, while these were rumours earlier, the study highlights that excessive drinking is a major reason.
According to a report in the Express, men have higher chances of not getting an erection because of excessive alcohol consumption. While it has been said that little alcohol can boost confidence in men and give them an erection, drinking more than the usual limit of 14 units may lead to a problem as men get older. Dr Adam Simon, a chief medical officer with an online doctor service said that there isn’t really any set amount of alcohol that can make men impotent because not everybody responds to alcohol in the same way.
Dr. Simon explained that while blood vessels open to allow blood to flow to the penis, the blood vessels close to stop blood from going back during an erect and this cannot happen with too much of alcohol. The sperm count and quality of sperm are also affected because of too much of alcohol consumption. For men to be able to conceive they should have only around 14 units per week while spreading it over three days.