Here's how you to take care of skin, hair during festival of colours

Most ill-effects to the skin and hair post Holi are caused because of the colors that are used during the festival.;

Update: 2018-02-28 04:48 GMT
Holi colours contain harsh chemicals which can easily lead to skin allergies, breakouts, and damaged hair. (Photo: AP)

Almost everyone enjoys playing Holi. It’s one of the most awaited festivals in the country. But many a times a day’s happiness turn into misery the very next day with sudden breakouts on the face and rashes on the skin.

Most ill-effects to the skin and hair post Holi are caused because of the colors that are used during the festival. The colours contain harsh chemicals which can easily lead to skin allergies, breakouts, and damaged hair.

A Pre-Holi Skin and Hair care regime are very vital.

Pre-Holi skin and hair care regime

  • It is very important to prevent harmful chemicals from penetrating into your skin. One of the best ways to protect yourself from it is by applying Castor oil all over your body before you start playing with colors. This will ensure that the skin doesn’t become dry and vulnerable to harsh colours.
  • Don’t forget to dab some oil behind your ears, earlobes and nails as these are the places where colours tend to settle easily.
  • Prepping your hair with oil is a must a night before Holi. Massage your scalp and hair with Castor oil. By doing this, the oil will provide extra nutrition that won't dry your hair due to colors. Later, this will also help the color to come off easily.
  • If you have a sensitive scalp, add few drops of Lemon Essential Oil to castor oil. It will avoid any infection triggered by the chemicals in the color. And the Lemon Essential Oil will act as a protective shield against the harsh colors on your scalp.

Post-Holi skin and hair care regime

  • Do not rub your skin vigorously with soap to get rid of the colors. Use a mild Papaya Cucumber Soap or Sandalwood Soap which has moisturizer and cleansing properties.
  • Follow the above by applying 2 tbsp Olive oil mixed with 10 drops of Turmeric essential oil on your skin. Being lightweight, Olive oil will easily get absorbed and the richness of Vitamin E and antioxidants will protect your skin from dryness by deeply conditioning it. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of turmeric essential oil will help soothe sunburns caused while playing Holi.
  • For the hair, first things first. Rinse your hair with plenty of plain water to wash off any dry colors and tiny particles of mica. Later wash your hair with SLS free Rosemary Lavender Shampoo bar. And if still there's any color, don't over wash it the same day, as this can dry out your hair making it frizzy. Once your hair is completely dried apply Olive oil to your hair and massage it thoroughly and wash it next day. This oil will make your hair healthier, stronger and shinier, controls fall, exfoliates scalp, helps you get rid of dry scalp, flakes and restores damage like frizzy hair.
  • To hydrate your hair further, you should apply Citronella Essential oil mixed with your after wash hair serum. This essential oil will conditions your hair strands and makes it rich in volume, frizz-free, soft and healthy.

The article has been authored by Amit Sarda, Managing Director, Soulflower


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