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Potionology section boasts of Lovers Oil', Loyalty Oil', No Rumours', Against Harm', and more.

Update: 2018-07-02 01:30 GMT
Potions to solve a range of problems

A Wiccan shop in Mahim sells everything from magical potions to cast iron cauldrons. We take a peek inside this one-of-a-kind store to find out more about these occult offerings.

When we think of the word Wicca, one conjures up the picture of an evil witch, dressed in black robes with ridiculously long nails and a cackling laugh. However, a trip to The Wiccan Shop in Mahim will change the way you feel about the term. As soon as you enter the shop, a warm greeting is extended by Sonal Bhosle, who has been working in the shop from the time of its inception, about a year and a half ago. The store is a tiny one but houses a wealth of magical paraphernalia. Tall shelves keep hundreds of oils, herb pouches, crystals and candles from hitting the floor, while Sonal’s explanations keep your attention from following suit. The walls are drenched in mystical paintings of Goddesses and charts inform about the prices of tarot readings and guided meditations.

“Here is our Potionology section,” informs Sonal, pointing to the rows of tiny bottles filled with colourful liquids. “These liquids are oil-based, and are infused with herbs and crystals. They are made on particular days, at particular times and have spells cast on them,” she continues. The Potionology section boasts of titles like ‘Lovers Oil’, ‘Loyalty Oil’, ‘No Rumours’, ‘Against Harm’, and several others. For an extra dose of magic, or cleanliness, the section also offers floor and bath washes.

Another section houses herb and root-filled pouches of various sizes. “They can be consumed in very small amounts or you can burn them, sprinkle them or put them in your bath water. After that, you chant a spell,” says Sonal. Both, Sonal and Angel Serrao, founder of the store, help customers with the exact spell that needs to be cast. When asked what problems top people’s lists, Sonal says, “Negative energies, money and love are the hit cases.”

Two steps ahead is another intriguing shelf, which is weighed down by stacks of colourful candles. The label above the shelf says Ceromancy, a form of divination using candles. A chart next to the shelf lists colours with its corresponding benefits. “This is a lot like colour therapy,” says Sonal. “People believe in colour therapy, but they won’t believe in magical colourful candles,” she says with a smirk.

Next stop is a shelf packed with statues of familiar and unfamiliar Gods, but it’s the shelf below that is more fascinating. Here’s where one can find tea pot-sized, cast iron cauldrons, (blunt) daggers, chalices and other occult objects like wands and pentacles. “This dagger is called atha-me. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not used to perform sacrifices, but for casting protective spells. It is also a symbol of the Sun God,” informs Sonal. Up ahead are shelves stacked with books on magic (including a book titled ‘Dog Magic’) and a whole section devoted to crystals and tarot cards.

While customers have a delightful time sifting through these magical offerings, Sonal and Angel often face trouble procuring them. The biggest obstacle is customs as most of the products come from the U.S. “They think we’re going to consume these products and demand a food certificate. They don’t understand that these are spiritual items,” rues Sonal. Customs officials aren’t the only ones with misconceptions, for several walk-ins think Wicca is all about black magic. “They hear Wicca and they think I’ll turn them into a frog,” laughs Sonal. “Wicca is actually a spiritual path where we worship nature and the energies within ourselves. It has been inspired by many religions and works on the same principles other healing practices like Reiki and aroma therapy are based on,” she adds.

Well, whether you’re a fan of Harry Potter or not, this store will surely pique your interest in magic. And if you find yourself enraptured by it, you could always sign up for a three-year Wicca course with High Priest of the coven, Angel!


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